“Made in Africa for Kids”
The African Animation Network’s (AAN) FUPiTOONS FESTiVAL, debuted in October 2017 in partnership with Ster-Kinekor, Cartoon Network and the Animation School. A total of 114 submissions were received from Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Egypt, South Africa, Ethiopia and Burkina Faso. AAN’s 2017 content curation team, which comprised award winning African animation experts; Comfort Arthur (Ghana), Clea Mallinson (South Africa) and Wendy Spinks (South Africa), selected the best shorts for inclusion in the final 90min edit. Inclusive of this edit are Cartoon Network’s 4 Imagination Studios shorts.
Expanded Footprint:
DISCOMICS is a new enterprise founded by
AAN and
DISCOP Markets in partnership with
ICON Comics & Gaming Convention(
Nairobi Comic Con (
Lagos Comic Con (
LCC). It is through this
expanded footprint of markets and conventions that
touring Africa.
ICON CGC, Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 June – 01 July
DISCOP Zanzibar, Tanzania, 11 July – 13 July
NAICCON, Nairobi, Kenya,
11 August – 12 AugustLCC, Lagos, Nigeria,
15 September
Call for Content:
Said Nick Wilson, Head of Projects at AAN and DISCOMICS Co-founder; “We’re exceptionally excited about touring FUPiTOONS FESTiVAL around the continent. This is a unique platform to get eyeballs on Africa’s best animated short form content and a unique value proposition for content producers and the festival in the long term.”
The call for FUPiTOONS FESTiVAL 2018 will launch at DISCOP Zanzibar (11 -13 July, 2018)