The exhi­bi­tion ses­sion is where you can exhibit and show case your goods and ser­vices. This year we have larger exhi­bi­tion area and expect­ing over a hun­dred exhibitors and a crowd size of over 10000 dur­ing the two days event. A booth space cost N50,000 while a table space costs N10,000. To book a stand at this years event please call us on 08039657506

a Game Zone

This is a seg­ment of the event where games are played. It is the biggest zone so far with a space area of about 24 x 48 feet space. We have a Gam­ing club that will be a strate­gic part­ner at this years event and will help coor­di­nate the game com­pe­ti­tions as well. This your we will we have about 20 gam­ing con­soles for you to pay and play while the gam­ing com­pe­ti­tion goes on and you are cheer­ing on your team. Also there will be other forms of gam­ing like table ten­nis, monop­oly, Ludo scrab­ble and other forms of sports for your enjoyment.

b Anime/​Manga Zone

This year we will have a rich manga and anime pres­ence at the event. We will be hav­ing promi­nent Manga com­men­ta­tors and his­to­ri­ans to talk about Manga and Anime. We will also have a rich Anime Swap which will be a col­lab­o­ra­tion of the top manga and anime groups and forums in Nige­ria
Mer­chan­dis­ing at all level will also be present. Every­one loves to have some­thing that no one else can get, and at con­ven­tions this is almost always the case. Many pub­lish­ers, film mak­ers, and the con­ven­tion itself will offer things that you can only find at the con­ven­tion. It might me a lim­ited edi­tion foil cover comic, a toy or action fig­ure, or a piece of art. These tend to go fast, so remem­ber, “First come, first serve.”

c Kids’ Zone

This is an area for the chil­dren. This seg­ment is at the other wing of the hotel where the kids can have fun at tits best. We have a strate­gic con­tent part­ner in UR4Africa that will orga­nize and take care of the chil­dren at the zone by bring about 20 men­tors in var­i­ous areas of cre­ativ­ity. Par­ents can be rest assured that their kids are safe and play­ing all sorts of games rang­ing form Lego to actin toys and even dolls.
To see the full Kids Zone pro­gramme click HERE

d Comics Zone

This is an exclu­sive space area for ven­dors sell­ing comics, graphic nov­els, books and other comic related items or mer­chan­dise. Var­i­ous comics, graphic nov­els and books will be sold at this cor­ner.
Buy­ing comic book used to be the main attrac­tion for comic book con­ven­tions. It is still a great part of con­ven­tions and many retail­ers come back year after year with their comics. You can find just about any kind of comic book, from rare Golden and Sil­ver Age comics, to new comics, graphic nov­els, manga, and there are almost always dis­count comic book bins around. Get shop­ping!
There are always fun prod­ucts that go with comic books. Action fig­ures, movies, toys, stat­ues and just about any­thing you can think of, and some stuff you haven’t, will be at comic book con­ven­tions. This is a great way to find some one of kind items that will be per­fect for your collection.

e Tech Zone

This seg­ment is for ven­dors sell­ing gad­gets, com­put­ers, phones, games, tech­no­log­i­cal prod­ucts and other gad­gets geeks and comic lovers will like.
The TECH Zone will be host­ing a Game Jam this year in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Global Game Jam ini­tia­tive of the Inter­na­tional Games Devel­op­ers Asso­ci­a­tion (IGDA) and IGDA local chap­ter in Nige­ria (IGDA Nige­ria)

But what is a Game Jam? Well a game jam is usu­ally where every­one gath­ers on a day, watches a short video keynote with advice from lead­ing game devel­op­ers, and then a secret theme is announced.
The jam is known for help­ing fos­ter new friend­ships; increase con­fi­dence and oppor­tu­ni­ties within the gam­ing com­mu­nity. The jam is always an intel­lec­tual chal­lenge. Peo­ple are invited to explore new tech­nol­ogy tools, try­ing on new roles in devel­op­ment and test­ing their skills to do some­thing that requires them to design, develop cre­ate, test and make a new game in the time span of 24 hours

Also there will be a work­shop on the Game Maker toolkit hosted by Bene­dict Olumhense and Fran­cis Monye, Founder Tech Torque NG
To reg­is­ter for the game jam, please send in the fol­low­ing details to the mail address: This email address is being pro­tected from spam­bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Your Name. Your Email address, your Phone Num­ber and your skillset e.g pro­gram­mer, visual designer, ani­ma­tor, game designer.

f Arts And Cul­ture Alley

Here is where you get to see all forms of art, rang­ing from paint­ings still wet on easels, live art of indi­vid­u­als, bead mak­ing, Adire mak­ing, sculp­tures and var­i­ous gallery and exhi­bi­tions from select stu­dents from across the coun­try. Also we will have vet­eran guest painters and sculp­tors at the venue as well.

g Nol­ly­wood Village

This seg­ment of the event is ded­i­cated to Nol­ly­wood films and will be stocked with ven­dors, pro­duc­ers and mar­keter sell­ing their var­i­ous movie DVD’s and col­lec­tions. We will also have celebrity actors and direc­tors at their var­i­ous stands pro­mot­ing their movie here. We have a strate­gic part­ner in the Direc­tors and Pro­duc­ers guild of Nige­ria from the Nol­ly­wood Indus­try and var­i­ous Niger­ian films will be released at the segment.

h Workshop/​Panels

The Film, Ani­ma­tion and Comic book panel will be the bread and but­ter of con­ven­tion. There are increas­ingly more and more spe­cial news items and announce­ments that are being told at comic book con­ven­tion pan­els. You can find the juici­est gos­sip about what is com­ing next, whom is going where, and what new char­ac­ters are get­ting their own books. The clever fan will be able to ask some great ques­tions and almost every time, some­one slips up with a great piece of news that then gets blasted on the net. Be that fan and go get that scoop!

This hall is where all our train­ing ses­sion takes place and it holds about 50 par­tic­i­pants per ses­sion and about 8 ses­sions for the day. The sponsor’s name will be asso­ci­ated with this sec­tion of the event. Click HERE to see all our speak­ers and topics

i Inter­views & Screen­ing Sessions

This year our screen­ing hall will be at the main stage. We have a one on one inter­view chart with our guest and celebri­ties. The fans will also have a chance at this venue to ask all their ques­tions and get can­did replies from our celebrity guests. Also we will be screen­ing selected short films and hear how they are created.

j Cre­ators Alley

One of the main rea­sons young peo­ple par­tic­i­pate in this con­ven­tions is to see your favorite comic book cre­ators. Writ­ers, artists, inkers, col­orists, and more are at the con­ven­tion on hand to sign auto­graphs, make sketches, chat, and dis­cuss comic books, car­toons and ani­ma­tions. It is a great way to get into the mind of the cre­ators and see what makes them tick. The artist alley is also for upcom­ing artists who have comic books drawn and are seek­ing for pub­lish­ers. A space at the Artist Alley Cost N5000. Call 08039657506 to book a space.

k Cos­tume Competition

Dress­ing up is a lot of fun, and the atten­tion that goes along with that is even bet­ter. If you have a great cos­tume, chances are that you will be mobbed by peo­ple ask­ing to take their pic­tures with you. It is almost like you are a part of the con­ven­tion, delight­ing con goers with your snazzy digs. Most con­ven­tions also hold a cos­tume con­test, which has some great prizes asso­ci­ated with it. There’s noth­ing like being cheered by hun­dreds of other comic fans for hav­ing that award win­ning costume.

l Celebrities

Nol­ly­wood, Musi­cians, TV per­son­al­i­ties, Broad­cast­ers, Pre­sen­ters, On-​Air per­son­al­i­ties, Come­di­ans (celebri­ties) will be grac­ing the con­ven­tion by mak­ing appear­ances, sign­ing auto­graphs, and pos­ing for pic­tures with young­sters and adults alike.

This year, we wanted our ses­sions to be as prac­ti­cal as pos­si­ble and also bring top­ics and speak­ers that have been at their best in the year. Check out our var­i­ous speak­ers and go ahead and reg­is­ter for your ses­sion. All ses­sions are free now but you need to reg­is­ter before the event to get a space. Lim­ited spaces avail­able. Click here to reg­is­ter for a choice session.